Author: Tomasz Kruczek
Illustrator: Pedro H. Penizzotto

ISBN 978-1-935227-11-3
Size:  145 x 205 mm
Format: soft cover
# of pages: 184
Category: Children’s Book
Target group:  Children and youth

In today’s world, do we find room for love? Is there room for action flowing from sincere, loving heart? Definitely so. Personally, I have experienced love on many occasions: the love of my family, of my friends, and the most important one – the love of God Himself. I know that without that love I would not be who I am today. Without it none of my books would be written. In 1 Corinthians 13 we find a magnificent description of the essence of this life attitude we call love. The stories included in this book have been inspired by this very „Hymn of Love”. Their main characters are only several years old or just teenagers, still the attitude of love becomes a real challenge to them. They receive and they give love wherever they are. Have these stories really happened? Let me keep it a secret. Maybe one day we shall meet on the scouting track, and then I will tell you more. At night we will seat together by a fire, the fire I like so much, although once it used to seize me with fear. Today you also can write another chapter to my book, a story of love in your own life. Write this story with your everyday life.

Tomasz Kruczek

Tomasz Kruczek – educator, musician, author, promoter of culture. Instructor of the Royal Rangers Poland scouting organization. Professionally trained as media educator. Writer of children and youth literature, poems, song lyrics, drama plays. For many years has been active in the historical reconstruction movement. He lives in Poland with his wife and two daughters.